Recycling Hubs Update
We need your HELP to continue recycling winery plastics. Our recycling partner, Agri-Plas, Inc. continues to experience a challenging recycling market. In order to continue accepting material from the Hubs (and wineries in general), we need need your help in adequately sorting the plastics which you...
2019 Board of Directors Ballot and 2018 Minutes
The 2019 Ballot for LIVE Board of Directors is available for download below. Ballots will be counted at the LIVE Annual Meeting on April 17th, 2019.
For Wineries, Competition Boosts Profits From Sustainability This study explains how managers’ perceptions of pressure from competitors and industry associations to adopt environmental practices are associated with the adoption of such practices, and firm performance in small- and medium-sized...
Pesticide Disposal Event
Registration Deadline Extended to Monday 12/10 There is still room available at an upcoming free Pesticide Collection Event on Friday 12/14 at the Whiteson Ag Center. This is an opportunity for free and safe disposal of unwanted, unused, or outdated pesticides, including surfactants and adjuvants...
Recycling Hubs Update
UPDATE 12/7/18 - Agriplast is no longer collecting supersacks. LIVE will work to find another solution to this and email the membership when we have one. Please check back. Low-density polyethylene (#4 plastic) can show up in the winery as pallet wrap, sheet plastic (on pallets of glass, for example...
2017 LIVE Annual Report
The 2017 LIVE Annual Report is available for download below. To request a hard copy, email New Arrivals