Here you can download a plain-text version of the current vineyard checklist, our Green, Yellow, and Red Lists, and blank reporting forms. Once you enroll as a member, you will have access to a fillable version of the checklist with additional information and resources for each item. If you are a member who would like to complete your annual reporting, please log in here.
Here you can download a plain-text version of the current winery checklist and reporting templates. Once you enroll as a member, you will have access to a fillable version with additional information and resources for each item. If you are a member who would like to complete your annual reporting, please log in here.
We have prepared a primer document for anyone writing about LIVE. Download the Fee Schedule for our current membership dues and inspection fees. Learn how to use our logo and certification marks in your marketing.
Our certification standards are developed by experts in agroecology and integrated production. We are audited and accredited annually by the International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC), a researcher group established in 1955 to promote environmentally safe methods of pest and disease control in plant protection.
Our programs rely on the latest research from Oregon and Washington State Universities. We also have a curriculum presence in regional community colleges and a scholarship to help educate the next generation of winemakers.
LIVE vineyards and wineries are regularly visited by third-party inspectors to verify our progress and discuss the latest methods of sustainable production. Let us worry about the paperwork so that you can enjoy the wine!